Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Beautiful Presents

This week I celebrate my 40th birthday (and yes, I decided to celebrate it). This wonderful picture came to me in one of my birthday presents. I am very lucky to know Rob and Becky. They are good people and I hold their friendship high. I met Rob through my current job and he has been (and is) a joy to work with. It is so wonderful that you have friends that know you so well that they know the perfect gift to give you.

Rob and Becky gave me a book, "The Lord of the Rings Sketchbook" by Alan Lee.

"The Lord of the Rings" is still and inspiration to me in my writing. "The Fellowship of the Ring" was the only movie I wanted to see after my parents passed away (it came out that year). So it is a joy to recieve such a wonderful gift from such a good friends. I quickly looked at so that Rob could see it too before he left the station (his show is only 3 hours one day a week).

I decided to take the week off for myself and such. I just needed some time down to get book two squared away and to write on book three without intruption. Yes, I think it might be a good week.

love to all....

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