Saturday, July 14, 2007

"Feathers of a Dancer"

I have been working feverishly on book three of the Knightbird series, "Feathers of a Dancer". As some of you know, who have been following this series, I will not be releasing it through PublishAmerica.

I have decided to use and a publishing package through them. They will supply me with an ISBN number and they will also place it on (as well as any other on-line bookstore). There are several other small services which will come with the package.

I will be designing the cover as well as the rest of the book. I only have four full chapers and about six parchal written chapters. So the rough draft is about done. I'm getting excited, this is going to be one the best written books (novels) I have done.

Love to all... Laurlee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, I read your announcement about your redesigned blog at the MGP Author's list.


I too have entertained the thought of publishing on because I like to create art for my stories and the freedom of not having a publisher ask me to edit stuff out of the book.

I don't have a blogger account---only myspace. If you would like to place a small banner/link on my page just let me know and we can do an exchange. I write very dark erotic stores (m/m and m/f and other varieties :P).