Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Book three and maybe four???

I expressed my concerns on how to write to a very special portion of book three to a online writer's group. I have come to call these people my friends if not very good aquantices. A very talented writer by the name of Jeanne was kind enought to step forward. We talked in privite e-mails to each other and she asked questions that I had thought I had answered in my writings. She challenged me to look deeper at the situation and now that I have, I have come to realize that maybe (just maybe) I may not get everything that I wanted into one book.

The story of a female slave maybe a story into itself, we shall see. If I can come up with at the very least 100 pages of story. I would guess about 35, 000 to 40,000 words. I will SERIOUSLY think of turning it into a book of its own. I would truly say this slaves life could be more interesting then I first thought. Thank you, Jeanne darling....

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