Monday, February 20, 2006

Writing on...

I just thought I would post a status report on all the projects that are coming and going in my life.

I'm still waiting to here from the publisher about BOTH books. I'm thinking that they should be getting in touch with me for "The Daysong of The Knightbird" sometime this week (that is book two). As for book one "The Violet Eyes of Jesse Knight", well I hope to hear from the editor soon. I e-mailed PublishAmerica about the status of "Violet Eyes" and they said that it recently was assigned to an editor so we will see. I can only hope soon.

A writing friend designed a cover that I could possiblely use. After several trys, this was the one I decided on. Now I'm not sure if I will use it but it is nice to have a stand by just in case.

I have been writing on book three since I have been waiting to hear about books 1 & 2. I have been working on chapter three (and maybe four). I have been writing small shorts stories about the mothers of all of King E'Mor's children. How he met them and so on. I was thinking that if I wanted to carry this on to a romance novel of shorts. Who knows what might come of it?

love to all...

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