Sunday, October 30, 2005

Hi... It's me.

Just thought I would post again. The excitment of my time in the paper is starting to die down now. But now I trying to focus on my second book "Daysong for a Knightbird". I got chapters one and two done now I have to finish typing them into my laptop. Then I can start editing the rest of the book so it all runs together and make sure I set up for the next book in the process.

This is an exciting time but it is like a slow burn. Unless you pay attention you can easily forget that it is there. I'm real excited for another friend of mine, Matthew. He is so ready to take that jump too. To see his book in print too will be exciting.

love to all.........

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Press Release

This is a press release from the Ranger Review dated Oct. 27 2005 for "The Violet Eyes of Jesse Knight". I was so proud and surprised to see this in out local news paper.

As I told a friend at work, the rules of this game has now changed.

love to all.... Laurlee

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The doubt...

"Daysong for a Knightbird" is now the working title for book two in the 'Knightbird Series'. "The Violet Eyes of Jesse Knight" is book one. Accually, both these books were written at the same time as one story. I made the choice to divide the book in half and market them as two. Both books will be of the same series but could be read seperately.

I doubt myself some much. I wish I would not do that. My story telling abilities are not the best. There are some many times I wish some else would write these wild dreams I have. I have thought about where these stories are going and there is SO much to write. To give you an idea where all this is leading....

Jesse is going to be put to the test of loyalty to himself and his father, the currect King. He will encounter the very same race that exciled his forefathers to the stars. From there he will have the question most children ask, "Where did we come from?". This will lead him back to his second home and to a mythical place called Lumeria.

I am sure this will take several book to tell this story and who knows.... taking on Religion and Evolvution just might be fun. I am sure it will be a beautiful miserable experiance.

love to all..... Laurlee