I guess the real question I want to ask is this... What do you want? The rainbow or the pot of gold? The gold is great, but the rainbow is so much nicer to look at.
I wanted to say something about all the Harry Potter 'spoilers' I have encountered in the last several weeks. Yes, they gave away the ending, but does a reader ever read a book to get to the end or are they reading for the ride itself. It is the smaller details which makes the story enjoyable for the reader. I pre-ordered my audio CDs for the Deathly Hallows over a month ago and I had no intention of backing out of my order with Amazon. You know, I sure there are several people (like me) who were curious about the spoilers...and I bet they were first in line for the books at mid-night on Friday or (like me) first in line at my local K-Mart when it open at 8am this morning.
A fan is a fan inspite of it all. The fans know that J.K. Rowlings did not intentionly release spoilers to fans to be leaked. I'm an author and one of my downfalls is that I keep a secret, so I commend her on her strenght in doing so.
Oh by the way, those of you who have leaked the plotline??? Well...thank you. You have managed to make this book more popular then ever.
Love to all... Laurlee