Sunday, August 14, 2005

Fargo (the movie)

I just saw "Fargo" the movie tonight for the first time. That is one weird movie. It was the UPN Hot Weekend Movie with week. I think the strangest part is that it is all a TRUE STORY, YA'LL. They just changed the names to protect the familys and such.

And YES!!! They DO talk like that in North Dakota!!!!


JDsg said...

Just to let you know, "Fargo" was not based on a true story as claimed in the movie. There are numerous websites on this topic.

Laurlee Harbig said...

Now... that's not right!!!! If they claim something in a movie like that then it should be right.

Where did I hear that some of it was true though????

Anonymous said...

As a member of the great state of North Dakota I would like to comment! We do not talk like that in Nodak country. The last time I heard someone talk like that, they were from Canada... I have seen the movie several times and I beleive that it is the most degrading thing to this fine state. Maybe you should visit us Nodakians and see that there isn't that much difference between us, eh????