Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I had no choice... change in settings.

Due to some insulting comments made about me or worse yet toward me, I have no choice but to limit all comments made on this blog. I did what I could to leave this an open forum but that right was abused by just one person. So it is for members only now, sorry...

If you wish to have that chance to comment you can e-mail at loreann@midrivers.com or laurleeharbig@yahoo.com .

The upside to this.... no spam. But I could have dealt with that. It makes me sad that I have to lock this down. This is not just for my book and the series but my personal thoughts. I refuse to keep them to myself. That is one of the reasons I signed up for this, it is a 'web log' not a website. If someone pissed me off I DO have the right to tell the world if I would like. I also have the right to tell the world of the wonderful things in my life as well. But I don't like when other people try to take credit for them, this is mine and it belongs to me! I have done all the work on it, I have put out the money for it and it belongs to me.

I do not mind giving credit where it is due but not all of it. So now I will just do that. The first story I have read that just floored me with inspiration was called "Son of Star" by Janice M. Lee. I wanted to write like that and wanted to write a story like that. "Son of Star" has not published (yet) but is a great tale about a fantasitic hero (just like Jesse).

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