Saturday, February 25, 2006

The hurting kind...

I got into deep thought this morning over this topic. You know I wish we lived in a perfect world where nobody hurt anyone else but you know pain has a purpose. If all things were good and great in our lives then they would not be good and great, would they? If a bad thing happens to me and I can come through it (as I and everyone else has), I feel I have learned something then if was not such a bad thing.

I can not count how many people that have told me about their lives. It is like they are stuck in reverse or something. I know I do it too, I'm guilty. Bringing up the past and dwelling on it, been there and done that. Then again, let's not 'throw the baby out with the bath water' here. To keep those bad times in mind helps you not repeat yourself in having to go through it again. God gave us a memory for a reason, it is so we don't keep making the same mistakes over and over. Let's one thing straight here LOVE is not a mistake and if it is... it is worth making. Trusting someone could be. Trust is not love but it is a part of it.

Saying the words "I Love You", now there is a Pandora's Box for you. Man those are some hard words to say when trust is an issue. How can one say them with honesty when you can't trust the people you are saying it? Maybe that is what led me to this topic this morning, I don't know... I can't tell ya. Then there is the other side of coin here, saying "I Love You" too much to the point where they just become words with no meaning and lastly... (this one's my favorite because I been hearing it alot from someone I know) saying the words "I Love You" coupled up with and insult. Insults and those special words don't belong in the same sentence... they don't even belong on the same page!!! That is love with restrictions and that is not love it is now a control issue.

I hate it when people try to control me or something I am doing. They say to the public that they will help you then they tell they won't or even better yet, tell you lies to hold you back. That is when they hope that you get fusterated and quit, they may not say it but it is at the back of their minds. When you do follow through and make something of it, they come back around around and tell you "I knew you could do it... I was behind you all the way." These kind of people drive me nuts! This is when that little gift that God gave you comes into play... you know, memory. You look back at all the little tale tell signs and you can see like an open book. The bad thing is I know a few of these people and I even work with a couple of them. But you know... You just have to tell yourself that in end this is yours and YOU have a right to be proud. Do for all the right reasons, your reasons.

love to all...

P.S. - All comments on anything having to do with "E'Falco's Nest" is e-mailed directly to me. I will not stand for any slamming.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Thank you! I always wanted to write in my site something like that. Can I take part of your post to my blog?.

Laurlee Harbig said...

I don't see why not.