Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I set up an account with LibraryThing.com. I believe it is connected with your local librarys.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Something sad in my book...

You know, I'm the last person who should be judging anyone, but this evening I seen something sad, in my book at least.

I was surfing through the net and came onto some sites I have seen in the past, but I don't hang out at. One was for one of my favorite sci-fi show (I'll leave nameless to avoid finger pointing) I use to watch when I was in school and a whole lot younger.

This site was set up by a true fan (I'm not denying that), but what I seen kind of made me...sad, I think is the word. This fan has over 20 short stories (of which they wrote) about this series. Ok now...I'm a fan and I have done fanfic, but I think it made me sad because...well it's kind of a waste. 20 short stories??? Not to mention, this series is STILL under copyright.

An editor told me once..."You can teach the technique, but not the idea." So I ask...where does it leave this writer?

Just my thought for now..................

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Two New Reviews...

There have been two new reviews posted on-line for "The Touch of Trinity". I really did not know how well this 'one shot' story would do, but both of these reviews are positive. I'm seriously thinking of writing another 'one shot' short story...maybe in time for Halloween.

from Cocktail Reviews

Author: Laurlee Ann Harbig
Publisher: Forbidden Publications

Davin has loved tales of fairies since she was a child, but life has been cruel – her parents dead in a car accident, her boyfriend walking out – and so her belief has been put to the test one too many times. Picking up the pieces, she keeps moving forwards and starts work at a radio station.

Half-Irish Davin has always been able to sense when things are going to happen, and so she’s disgusted but not surprised when Jason, one of the DJs, hits on her. The station hires a new guy, an Irishman by the name of Pan Trinity. That night, Davin dreams of a gorgeous hunk with green eyes – and she’s floored when she meets Pan the next day, who resembles the man she dreamed about.

Pan has come to the US in search of his mother, who abandoned him when he was a baby. He confides to Davin that he’s found his mother in a psychiatric hospital, but she refuses to see him. Davin tries to help, and unwittingly discovers the secret of Pan’s birth…

I liked the motto that weaves through this story: Life has a way of crushing dreams and dreams have a way of ending, but if you keep them safe they will return.

This short tale has plenty of witty one-liners and wry observations that kept me chuckling. Despite its brevity, it’s really quite charming, such as in the scene where Pan explains his unusual name: "I had taken a fondness toward the penny whistle back at the orphanage I was raised at. The good sisters named me Pan after the pagan Greek god." Isn’t that great? I love it! A really nice touch of characterisation.

My favourite line was when Davin’s boss, who good-naturedly letches after her all the time, says: "Nice jeans", to which Davin replies: "Thanks…they come with a chastity belt."

The negatives: Some dodgy editing marred the flow of the writing in places, which was a shame.
Overall, this was an enjoyable, light-hearted ’sweet’ story, more about Davin’s growth and the resurrection of belief in dreams than a true romance. Short and cute.

Review from Cocktail Reviews for "The Touch of Trinity"

from Sensual Reads & Reviews

Davin Ramberg works as an advertising executive for a local radio station.

Pan Trinity is the new DJ for the radio station.

From the first time they meet each other sparks fly. Davin has her hands full with the DJ that Pan is replacing because he was one scary dude. He plans to get even with Davin, but will Pan reach her in time to save her?

Touch Of Trinity is a amazing soul stirring story about the fairies who come to us from Ireland and the people who believe. Laurlee Harbig is whimsically brilliant! She will have you believing in fairies and the bond that only ones in true love can share. I was in awe while reading this fantastic story!

Review from Sensual Reads & Reviews for "The Touch of Trinity"

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

He comes...

He comes ever so silently...

J'ar has inspired a story to himself and it only seen fit to give him a place of his own. He is as real to me as Jesse Knight is. J'ar provokes both pity and horror, but inside he is all gentleman and I welcome him.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Another one...

My current vaca was planned around something...getting another tattoo. Yup...I'm officially out of my mind. My appointment is set for this monday. I've come to find out that Tattoo Shops arn't open on mondays, but Cindi (my tattooist) is making an exception for me. Being that I'm from out of town and all.

So on one of the hottest days of the year I'll be off to Billings for my new tattoo...and here is the design. This is J'ar...he is a thief and the main character in the story "Craziness of the Dragon".

Love to all... Laurlee

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter spoilers...

I guess the real question I want to ask is this... What do you want? The rainbow or the pot of gold? The gold is great, but the rainbow is so much nicer to look at.

I wanted to say something about all the Harry Potter 'spoilers' I have encountered in the last several weeks. Yes, they gave away the ending, but does a reader ever read a book to get to the end or are they reading for the ride itself. It is the smaller details which makes the story enjoyable for the reader. I pre-ordered my audio CDs for the Deathly Hallows over a month ago and I had no intention of backing out of my order with Amazon. You know, I sure there are several people (like me) who were curious about the spoilers...and I bet they were first in line for the books at mid-night on Friday or (like me) first in line at my local K-Mart when it open at 8am this morning.

A fan is a fan inspite of it all. The fans know that J.K. Rowlings did not intentionly release spoilers to fans to be leaked. I'm an author and one of my downfalls is that I keep a secret, so I commend her on her strenght in doing so.

Oh by the way, those of you who have leaked the plotline??? Well...thank you. You have managed to make this book more popular then ever.

Love to all... Laurlee

Saturday, July 14, 2007

"Feathers of a Dancer"

I have been working feverishly on book three of the Knightbird series, "Feathers of a Dancer". As some of you know, who have been following this series, I will not be releasing it through PublishAmerica.

I have decided to use Lulu.com and a publishing package through them. They will supply me with an ISBN number and they will also place it on Amazon.com (as well as any other on-line bookstore). There are several other small services which will come with the package.

I will be designing the cover as well as the rest of the book. I only have four full chapers and about six parchal written chapters. So the rough draft is about done. I'm getting excited, this is going to be one the best written books (novels) I have done.

Love to all... Laurlee

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

A new booksite for "E'Mor's Romances ~ Star'Leen"

Here is a link for "Star'Leen," book one of E'Mor's Romances at Bebo.com.

"E'Mor's Romances ~ Star'Leen" at Bebo.com

I think that this would be a great time to touch off on a simuliar topic. I had decided to create another series...before all of you who know me, shake your head and sigh. This is just a tad bit different.

It is titled "The Quadstar Legacy". This series will be both E'Mor's Romances and the Knightbird series. The re-writes for E'Mor's Romances will be first. I wanted everyone to read and enjoy E'Mor's Romances, but this is not possible yet due to adult content. I'm still looking into a title for the first book, but it will be "Star'Leen" and "Donni" combined and suited for the general public.

A new booksite for "The Touch of Trinity"

I'm giving this another sperate post too. I really want people to come to these sites and get a feel for the books.

"The Touch of Trinity" at Bebo.com

As each book finds it's way to print, I will hope to use Bebo.com to promote them.

A new booksite for "The Daysong of the Knightbird"

As I said in the last post, I setup a bookpage for each one of my published books.

"The Daysong of the Knightbird" at Bebo.com

I really like the design of this page. I mean, I think I luck out with this template design.

A new booksite for "The Violet Eyes of Jesse Knight"

Bebo.com has some wonderful sites that can be easily set up to help promote your books. I decided to set up a page for each of my books which are in print starting with "Jesse".

"The Violet Eyes of Jesse Knight" at Bebo.com

I'm hoping that this will help some of the lesser books find exposure as well.

Monday, June 04, 2007

The Daysong of the Knightbird

"The Daysong of the Knightbird" is now out and is available through Amazon.com and any other on-line store. Today I will make it available locally through the Chamber of Commerce, Made In Montana Gifts and (maybe) Reynolds Market.

If your interested in this book or maybe some others by me, you can check out a free PDF download at A Journey from Within .

This highlights both of my series and "The Touch of Trinity".

Also to let you know, the blogs of the 'Crazy Dragon Bar' and 'Trinity's Rainbow' have been deleted. It was just way to many sites for me to keep up on, now that Blogger is sooooo much harder to sign into.
"The Touch of Trinity" does have a new website at Bebo... "The Touch of Trinity" book site and one is coming for "Craziness of the Dragon". I will keep you posted.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Drew Hayes...

This past week I decided to reach into my bookself and pull out a series I have not look at or thought about until now. I was a big time comice book collector some years ago and when I found a series I like I hunted and shopped until I found as many as I could of the series...be it books or the comics themselves.

And this week I pulled out every "Poison Elves" comic and book to see what I had, then I hit the internet to see what I didn't have. Upon scouting around and found something out...The artist had passed away.

Drew Hayes had a unique way of drawing. He was drawing Goth back before Goth was cool. I'm not saying I like Goth...but I am saying I liked this guy's art and style. He was a story teller like none other I had seen. His stories contained not only his art, but pages of story line. He used panels as well as full pages worth of dialogue (unheard of at the time). He was self published by Mulehide Comics until Sirius Comics picked up the series. It was first call "I, Luseipher" then later became "Poison Elves".

He placed his story around a central character...Luseiphur. An elf with a nasty sword and gun to boot. He was a short, black haired bitter little guy about 5'5" (I'm guessing). His killing rampages were intrupted by his ex-wife, bestfriend, and an imp that lived in his head. Luse was a thief and an assassin for hire. He smoked to much and drank even more. Yup...he was a barrel full of laughs.

Drew Hayes passed away last month, March 21. He was only 37 years old.

Luseiphur... "Say goodnight to the sandman."

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Touch of Trinity

"The Touch of Trinity" was released by Fordidden Publications on St. Patrick's Day. It is also available at the Crazy Dragon Bookstore at Lulu.com in book form.

You can access its page at Forbidden Publ. through this link:


The morning came in brightly through her windows. She rolled over and lazily looked at the clock. The more she focused, the more she panicked.
"No…no, it can’t be nine yet!" Davin screamed out loud. "You didn’t set your alarm, you moron."
This little outburst sent Jenna Kitty flying off the bed in a hurry. Davin kicked the blanket off and dove for the phone. She had the station’s number on speed dial, but she dialed it anyway.
"Good Morning, this is KXNT. Your best choice for classic rock and I’m Peggy, how can I help you?"
"Peggy…" Davin all but screamed.
"Miss Ramberg, how are you feeling today? Better I hope," Peggy replied with sunshine in her voice.
God Peggy, you’re a good candidate for phone sex, Davin thought as she tried to regain her composure. "Is Jon there? I mean is he pissed off I’m not."
"Yes…I mean…he is here, but no, he is not angry. In fact, he's in a great mood," Peggy replied. "He said he saw you here last night. When you weren’t here at eight, he told me to give you until ten, then I was supposed to give you a call. And you should see who is here, Miss Ramberg. I think I’m in love."
Davin closed her eyes, and then she remembered. Jon wanted her there to meet the new DJ. She fell back into a laying position.
"Oh my God…"she said.
"You're telling me, ouch, and the accent is sexier then hell," Peggy replied, forgetting who she was talking to.
A thought hit her and she said it out loud, "What color are his eyes?"
"They’re green, and emerald green." Peggy said. "Oh…I wish I wasn’t engaged."
"Peg, tell Jon I’ll be there as soon as possible."
"Peg? You have never called me Peg before, Miss. Ramberg," Peggy replied.
"And it’s Davin, Peg."
"Ok…Davin, we will see you when you get here. You better come soon…I don’t know how long this show is going to be."

Monday, March 12, 2007

E'Mor's Romance - Star'Leen

My have received my first review on "Star'Leen".

Out of all the stories planned for this series, this was the hardest to write. It is quite graphic in places with sex and volence, but...being that it was the hardest right out of the gate, the others will and can only get better.

I'm not looking at this as a bad review, in fact...I think that it hit the nail on the head. I was meaning to write outside of my comfort zone and this proves that I did.

TwoLipsReview.com ~ Star'Leen By Laurlee Harbig

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Daysong of the Knightbird

A cover has been choosen and it is (now) going to print. I am so happy.

Also "The Touch of Trinity" will be out on March 16th (just in time for St. Patrick's Day) from Forbidden Publications. Join us for the release party on Friday, March 16th at 7pm in Forbidden's Chatroom @ http://www.forbiddenpublications.com

Love to all....

Friday, January 26, 2007

We shall try again...

I will try again. I managed to find alittle time to rewrite "Craziness of the Dragon". I then submitted it back to Forbidden Publications on the 20th of January.

Now we shall see...

This story seems to have been in constent motion. Just like the main character, J'ar. It first started out to be a 2,000 story for a mag. which went under before it was even printed. Then I added more (up to 5,000 words), so I could submit it to Forbidden Publications. Before it was submitted to Forbidden it was submitted to Mundia Press for a book of short stories and that project got axed too. Now the story stands at a nice 6,890 words and about 60% of it was rewritten.

I believe some of the story line was lost and I also think the rewrite soften it alittle, but this was needed. If it is going to see publication at all, some sacrifices have to be made.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

It is all a matter of time??

Here is a time line so that you will understand all that is go into this. Every story has a purpose.

Time Line for Writting
E'Mor's Romances are in RED and the Knightbird series is in PURPLE.

Star'Leen (Novella - December 2006)
"The Desert of Stars" (Novel of both Star'Leen & Donni)
May the Stars Cry (Cry'Star) - concept for story
Donni (Novella - Still being written)

Jazz'meen (Novella)

Coralanna (Novella)

Rebe (Novella)

Zendell (Novella)

Na'Diea (Novella)

"The Violet Eyes of Jesse Knight" (Novel - May 2006)
Craziness of the Dragon (J'ar) - Lulu Press

"The Daysong of the Knightbird" (Novel - February 2007)
A Time of Loss (Loss) - concept for story
"Feathers of a Dancer" (Novel - Still being written)

"Claim a Soul of a Knightbird" (Novel)

"In the Temple Mists" (Novel)

"Before Known Time" (Novel)

"To End with Love" (Novel)

"Tales of the Golden City" (A collection of short stories)
May the Stars Cry (Cry'Star) - concept for story
Craziness of the Dragon (J'ar) - Lulu Press
(Wave Jammer)
A Time of Loss (Loss) - concept for story

Sunday, January 07, 2007

"Craziness" is on hold at this time.

"Craziness of the Dragon" was NOT accepted by Forbidden Publications. So now it is on hold. I'm not sure if I'm willing (right now) to re-work this story to have it put on hold for another four months. It is only a five thousand word story. I have 're-worked' this story twice to have Forbidden tell me to 're-work' again and resubmit it...I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon.